Accreditation of statistical practictioners

Accreditation of statistical practictioners

Italian Statistical Society (SIS) offers to its members the opportunity to be accredited as professional statistician. The status of SIS accredited statistician is awarded by the Accreditation Committee. The title testify that, in the opinion of SIS, the applicant has an education curriculum and a work experience in statistical field such that she/he can practice statistics with competence and integrity. Further information:

The accreditation program has been set up according to the standards and the proceedings already running at leading statistical associations in the world. American Statistical Association recognized Italian Statistical Society as “accreditation partner”.

SIS, as a member of Federation of European National Statistical Societies (FenStatS), offers to its fellows the opportunity to be accredited as European Accredited Statistician The FenStatS accreditation program comply with the standards of Royal Statistical Society and American Statistical Association accreditation programs. (