Why join

Why join

Some good reasons for joining the SIS as Ordinary Member or Adherent Institution


Influencing decisions about the future of the discipline: SIS represents the statisticians’ community in academic, educational, professional and political context.

Having access to first rate publications: ordinary members and adherent institutions receive the Society international scientific journal, Statistical Methods & Applications, published by Springer Verlag. They can also subscribe to Induzioni, journal sponsored by SIS, at a discounted price.

Attending at a reduced fee Scientific Meetings, Intermediate Conferences and all the activities sponsored by SIS or by Sections and Groups.

Taking part in scientific committees of various activities.

Requesting sponsorship for scientific initiatives.

Joining or promoting Groups and Sections: Sections and Groups promote meetings and other scientific activities about particular subjects and areas of research and are in charge of journals and other publications.

Attending continuing education courses at favourable fees.

Having access to SIS website restricted contents.

Being included in a Google Group open to anyone interested in discussing problems and exchanging information related to statistical and probabilistic disciplines both theoretical and applied.

Making up decisions about SIS future: ordinary members can vote for the election of President and Councillors or be elected to such offices. They have voting right in the Assembly.

Here information on how to join