Accreditation Committee

Accreditation Committee

Organization and tasks

The Committee consists of distinguished SIS members, appointed by the SIS Board. The members are in charge for two years. The Committee elects the President among its members. The Committee oversees the accreditation process and takes all decision about accreditation. Each application is reviewed by three members. A majority vote is requested for a favorable proposal of accreditation. If the application is rejected, the Committee will provide applicant with all information to overcame the grounds of rejection. The Committee reports yearly to Board on its activity. A high level of confidentiality is required. Members of Committee must observe privacy of applicant in a strong way.

Current Committe (2021 -2023)

Luigi Pieri (chair)
Andrea Ciccarelli – Teramo University
Ida D'Attoma (secretary)-Bologna University
Paolo Mariani - Milano-Bicocca University
Julia Mortera - Roma Tre University
Marco Bruno Luigi Rocchi - (SISMEC) Urbino University
Bruno Scarpa – Padova University
Paolo Trerotoli - (SISMEC) Bari University
Donatella Vicari – Roma Sapienza University